About Me

School wise

I'm majoring in Biomedical Systems Engineering at Eng Sci UofT. At the same time, I'm working towards a MDiv track in theology at Luther Seminary, completely online. โœ๏ธ๐ŸŽ’๐Ÿ“–๐Ÿ“•๐Ÿซ

Career wise

In a coop program, I'm training for a certification to be a minor assistant to a pharmacist.
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Tutor services

If you're in my Uni & interested in my tutoring, reach out to me on email!


The daughter of a really weird and nerdy dad, with large big eyebrows. Year 3 student in Biomedical Engineering Science. 2nd year MDiv Student in Luther Seminary.Self-studying pure and applied mathematics as a pass-time MAA Putnam Aspirant.I love the idea of having many talents, and I aspire to be a full-on Polyscholar

Passion Projects

Project Tertullian envisions an education model that integrates high school and post-secondary curricula into a cohesive school program designed to nurture gifted polymaths and encourage interdisciplinary mastery. Project Galois is my shy attempt at elevating on top that level of prestige! :)
I am preparing for the MAA Putnam Competition and have curated a comprehensive list of study resources and a detailed list to help others excel in this prestigious math competition.
Aside from those domains, I hope to create a similar prep list for a Chem&Physics + Engineering Olympiad! ~ A bonus too in USMLE Prep, as well as Econ may be explored in the foreseeable future.
Thinking of eating the same thing everyday while being healthy? Look no further than the Galois Brick! An all-purpose food aimed at sustaining your metabolical, physiological, and to a good degree, nutritional needs. The recipe is especially tailored to those who have depleted appetite resulting from a patient of Clinical Depression, or a daring risk-taker. Suite yourself!

Fact Sheet!Favorite...music artist: Nelly Furtado
place: Arizona
season: Summer
personalities: ENTJ, ESTJ
color: purple
scientist: James D Watson
mathematician: Joseph-Louis Lagrange
writer: Sylvia Plath
bible book: Ephesians
saint: Irenaeus

i have a cat

Her Library of Alexandra

Other links and Contacts :P

ยฉ Nicaea